Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Come on Huffington Post

I know there's more depth to the story than just the sensationalistic Headline (which I had to read through 90 pages of ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz just to get the krux of the story finally). Personally, I think they should have given the guy a Star and made him an Admiral. Again, its not the content of the article that rubbed me the wrong way, just the Headline.

Regardless, not that I plan on voting for him, but come on, the guy spent 5 F@CK!NG years in a Bamboo Tiger Cage.

Read for your self here: The Huffington Post

P.S. Senator McCain, your daughter is Hooooooooooooooooot!!!


D-Rock said...

These are the same people that dreamed of Nancy Reagan falling in the shower...Idiots, the lot of them.

Useless waste of space for a bunch of people that hate America while someone they didn't vote for holds the White House.


El Liberal Gigante said...

I am pulling for Hussein but the huffpost website is a bit too much. It was funny one person said:

"Man if Obama urinated on you, you people would thank him for the rain".