Wednesday, June 18, 2008

More on Impeachment

FIRST, read this article by James Kirchik published in the LA Times (yes, I know, I was surprised too)

Bush never lied to us about Iraq

NOW, we ALL know that Clinton was saying the same thing that the Bush administration was saying...I would link a video here, but Youtube removed it and have blocked my attempts to upload it again, never say the left is not thorough when it comes to re-writing history. We'll see how long this video lasts. What are you going to say now Dem's??? Still say "Bush Lied"? If so, go sue your guvmint school for depriving you of the education you deserve.

Where it get's really bad is when Dennis Kucinich starts introducing impeachment articles because the President "lied" to the American people and the world. What is funny is that the Dem's just don't "get" this. They lost in 2004, using these same arguements, but they continue with their Bush Derangement Syndrome.

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