Sunday, June 15, 2008

Global warming??

Well it appears that fans of OwlGore are in deep doo-doo. It appears that the sun is apparently going through a phase of not wanting to produce sun spots (I'm sure our democrat friends can come up with some legislation to stop this...........................(tumbleweed))

Don't lecture me on the FoxNews link :-) If it was reported anywhere else, I would.

Source: FOX NEWS

HOW MUCH LONGER IS THIS CRAP GONNA GO ON??????????? GIVE IT UP!! The 2000 election was 8 years ago. NOW the "experts" are saying that when the sun has behaved this way in the past, it ushered in a mini-ice age back in the 17th century.

This global warming stuff is absolute horse-squeeze! In the 70's it was an "ice age", now it's "warming".....THEN when NASA (the space agency for those who watch American Idol) admits their numbers were wrong for their "model".......the word becomes climate "CHANGE". I like pointing this out, since no one else puts those 2 events together. NO ONE noticed how quickly the verbage changed and what a coincidence it was.

This is nothing more than a power grab for your money and freedom, in the name of "protecting you". And the thing that FUMES me the most, is that OwlGore is involved with this "carbon credit" insanity to make a profit, no doubt at your expense.
Am I the only one that see's this? "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills"

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